Our Submission Guidelines

Write Open Letters for our Publication

Scott Hughey (TheWriteScott)
4 min readJan 20, 2023
So easy even a monkey can make you laugh
Image curated by Scott Hughey through Canva Pro

An Open Letter to Writers,

As of 1/20/23 Open Letters is modifying its guidelines. In this article you will find:

  • The updated guidelines.
  • How to become a writer.
  • What you can expect when submitting.

When we launched, we aimed for 75% humor. Somewhere along the way the Humor-to-Serious ratio became closer to 1:3. I don’t believe there’s an Open Letter to Math (yet) but maybe one day you can read it realize we published about 25% humor.

In this soft relaunch, we are making this a 100% humor/satire publication.

As one of my editors, Courtney Burry wrote in the original guidelines:

You’ve had an experience that has made a big impact on your life and you just can’t keep it to yourself.

You need to tell the world.

You need to rant, laugh, and help others understand just what you are talking about.

Photo by Jason Yoder on Unsplash

We still want you to tell the world, tell your boss, tell your cat. Cry out to them, scold them…



Scott Hughey (TheWriteScott)

He’s a geek with social skills. Scott writes humor, satire, and pop-culture with a touch of self-help. Find his Amazon books here: https://amzn.to/2LDQxjy